We offer New Zealand's biggest selection of advertising flags and banners.

Grabbing attention is something we’re really rather good at. So it stands to reason that we have a huge range of attention-grabbing flags and some of the finest pull up banners money can buy.  We have flags and banner to suit each and every budget, and every possible requirement. In real estate and need a flag for open homes? No problem – we have just what you need


Edge painting is a unique finishing touch for business cards – whether it is a bold colour on a standard 310 gsm or gold on ultra-thick card, it is a lovely feature that will help to set your cards apart.


Debossing is a pattern, logo, or design indented into a card without colour. This process requires an ultra thick card to take the indented hit without affecting the other side. Using a thick card or sandwiched layers, it is a lovely finish.


Embossing is a raised impression that affects both sides of the card – lifting on the front and creating a reverse impression on the back of the card. A beautiful, subtle finish that can be used for imagery, a patter, or text.


Edge painting is a unique finishing touch for business cards – whether it is a bold colour on a standard 310 gsm or gold on ultra-thick card, it is a lovely feature that will help to set your cards apart.


Debossing is a pattern, logo, or design indented into a card without colour. This process requires an ultra thick card to take the indented hit without affecting the other side. Using a thick card or sandwiched layers, it is a lovely finish.


Embossing is a raised impression that affects both sides of the card – lifting on the front and creating a reverse impression on the back of the card. A beautiful, subtle finish that can be used for imagery, a patter, or text.

Good Flag Design Means Being Everything to Everyone

A flag usually represents something large that contains many smaller, diverse things. That means it needs to go for more universal imagery, to encompass everything. While there may be certain things you want to focus on, be careful that your designs aren’t coming off too select or niche. The more all-inclusive the design, the bigger it seems. Take the United States American flag as an example. The fifty stars symbolize all 50 states, bringing a sense of inclusivity.


Edge painting is a unique finishing touch for business cards – whether it is a bold colour on a standard 310 gsm or gold on ultra-thick card, it is a lovely feature that will help to set your cards apart.


Debossing is a pattern, logo, or design indented into a card without colour. This process requires an ultra thick card to take the indented hit without affecting the other side. Using a thick card or sandwiched layers, it is a lovely finish.


Embossing is a raised impression that affects both sides of the card – lifting on the front and creating a reverse impression on the back of the card. A beautiful, subtle finish that can be used for imagery, a patter, or text.

There are 3 main reasons that people use feather flags for advertising.

Telling people “who I am” – Telling people “we are here”: you may want to have your logo or company name as large as possible on your flags.
– Telling people “what we do”