“Print-Ready” is a term used to describe a file that has all the specifications necessary to produce high-resolution printed output, without requiring any additional alteration from the printer. Please follow the guidelines below when sending files.
If your file is not saved in the correct format, we will not be able to use it as “Print Ready” artwork and you may need to resupply the artwork. Alternatively, we can assist you in preparing your artwork for an additional design fee.
We do not accept Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Publisher files. Although they may be fine for printing on a desktop printer, text and images can often appear very different when opened on other computers.
Guidance for supplying final print-ready artwork:
Guidance for Photographs, Logos, Drawings and Images:
Guidance for Booklets and Leaflets
Artwork for multi-page jobs, such as booklets and leaflets should be supplied at the finished size. Please supply artwork in single pages (not spreads) with bleed on all sides. This allows for binding requirements. When supplying PDFs, it is important to ensure that each file is accurately labelled and numbered in order of appearance including any blanks.
Guidance for Printing in Spot Colour (not CMYK)
Spot colour printing is a traditional method where the colours are applied individually in layers, eventually filling in all of the spots in your custom design. If we are printing in a spot colour (not full colour CMYK) then please ensure all spot colours within your job are clearly marked with their Pantone colour reference (i.e. PANTONE 280C or PANTONE 032 U) and are set to ‘SPOT’ not ‘PROCESS.’ The ‘C’ or ‘U’ attached to the Pantone number refers to the material you are printing on, Coated vs Uncoated and the actual printed ink colours will vary depending on the substrate (paper/board). See figure 1.4 below.
Guidance for Printing Special Processes in your Design:
When incorporating any special processes into your design (other than colour print), please ensure that all non-printable elements within your artwork are set as ‘SPOT’ colours and named as follows: